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Certain high schools in the United States are claiming that
Lies People Tell is an "inappropriate" website.  They do not allow their students to read or contribute to our content.  What do you think?

Lies People Tell


                --- "Anon"

Regarding the comment that follows this one:

Dear Bill,

Thanks for stepping up and dropping a little freudian slip for us here at Lies People Tell but we tend to avoid the whole US politics thing -- it's too easy. I mean the Dems lie the Reps lie -- who cares -- everyone knows its crap but that somehow it works. We have good transportation, reasonable education and the lights all somehow manage to stay lit -- I hear there's even potable drinking water in some parts of our excellent country. What we're about at is just pointing out what happens between individuals on a daily basis -- face to face. Just Common, Ordinary, Everyday Lies.


                --- Jason Webs

Well, I think peoples lies are personal and only make trouble when someone else misinterprets them. Did I say "lies?" I meant "lives."
                --- Bill Clinton

In this website, lying appears commonplace and normal. Lying, like any other sin, is best controlled by down-playing its existence and its acceptability. Nobody would lie if they didn’t know anyone else lied. Once one knows that other people lie, they think it is okay to lie themselves. Especially those naive kids still in high school. They are too young to know right from wrong, and I don’t trust that they’ll ever learn. They will do anything someone else tells them. Lying is the gateway sin to much, much worse problems. Lying leads to cheating, leading to stealing, leading to apathy, leading to killing. The proponents of this website are nothing but baby Hitlers corrupting this world. We need to protect our kids and their young, ignorant, and impressionable minds, from not just lying, but the vulgarity and sexual innuendos that are also contained in the website. If we remove all knowledge of sin, nobody will sin. We need to curb the rampant sin in this world, and blocking this website is just the first step. Anyone who is caught lying, or even thinking about lying, should be prosecuted, privately of course, to the fullest extent of god’s laws. After all, I’ve NEVER lied and I turned out fine.
                --- Brian Griffith a.k.a. "MyRulesAreBetterThanYourRules"

Since the people running this website prefer to remain anonymous -- relatively speaking -- their names can be found in small print if you look long enough -- I shall remain anonymous also. But I will say that I am an administrator in one of the school districts where this website is banned. The fact is, we do not ban this webiste because it has to do with lying. Our district prides itself on creating an atmosphere for our students where critical thinking will flourish. But what we object to here is the sex and the foul language. We can not help it that our students very often have sex and use foul language themselves, but we would if we could. They have the rest of their lives to enjoy those particular delights. We prefer to confine their highschool experience to influences of a higher nature and this website is not among them.
                --- "Anon"

Yes because they are lies! And if we censor lies there will be lies no more. It's quite simple!
                --- Michael

Hello, young person! Tipper Gore wants to be a positive influence on your life!
Young people like yourself need to be protected from harsh lies, just like Tipper Gore protected you from harsh album lyrics!

Tipper Gore likes your "quotations." Keep up the positive attitude and your mental health can only improve!

--Tipper Gore
                --- Tipper Gore

I agree with Mike!

                --- meschelle

Yes, of course this site should be censored. It's obvious that the world is full of lying. This site proves it. Some of the Lies Our Parents Told Us section made me laugh -- most of those are very funny -- but some of them are very sad. The one about the ice cream truck. The one about the woman in the bedroom. I think that we should hide from hogh schools students how dark and desolate our world truly is. Your site seems to want to shed light on the darkness of our culture and make people face it. Let me tell you something Mr. Bubble -- or whoever you are (even you are LYING about your name)our culture is not ready to know how desparate the human condition is. Our culture is NOT ready to look honestly at the darkness that hides in our souls. I say this site should not only be censored in high school but all over the place.
                --- "Anon"

I like your site, but it's not appropriate for high school students. You portray the truth, but you don't mention the consequences of the actions described here. High school students are idiots, they aren't mature enough to figure out the consequences of their actions on their own.
                --- Mike

In your Lies We Tell Our Parents section there are stories of kids smoking pot and trying to get away with it. If you don't think that could be a bad influence I guess you just don't know anything about kids!
                --- Mrs. Dubin

While there are no rude pictures on this site, there are some very suggestiive ideas.
                --- Ed

This site isn't half as bad as some of them I've seen out there but it can be a little unsavory.
                --- Steve

This is a really difficult question and I believe that if the school officials believe this is an unsavory site, well, I'm with them.
                --- David

This site makes you think too much!
                --- Dean

I am apalled with this site. There are stories about the lies that parents tell children here! Don't you realize that it is a parent's right to say anything she damn well pleases to her little brats!! If children begin to realize how much we lie to them, they may start thinking things through for themselves!
                --- Betty


No way! The site is really good, it offers counselling advise for all sorts of people who want it, as well as providing a sort of confession room, and don't forget what marvellous entertainment is here.

There is nothing dodgy on the site, no porn or anything else. Yeah there is some supposedly suggestive stuff but its all in the eye of the beholder.

Now I think I have seen every single page on this site & I don't think I will be able to find another one this good!
                --- Nicole

What are the mental or whatever disorders
that are inclined to fabricate or lie alot? Besides the obvious kids or adults,
lie for the reason of consquences But while else?
                --- Sunni2000

What are the mental or whatever disorders
that are inclined to fabricate or lie alot? Besides the obvious kids or adults,
lie for the reason of consquences But while else?
                --- Sunni2000

No way, Lies people tell should not be censored as "all" people lie and as this site has proved that even parents lie to their children the children should be aware of what they are in for!!!
                --- "Anon"

NO, Don't censor it, becuase it can help all the other people who have been lied to and need help dealing and understanding what the hell is going on. Or should you even try after they do lie.
                --- "Anon"'s funny and if people take any of this too seriously then perhaps they have indeed advanced too far in the educational system. however i can see how a school would object to language used in this site. not because they don't want students using it (they will) but because they don't want to be seen as endorsing it. anyways this site is hillarious, therefore for the sake of humanity it should not be banned.
                --- lane

the school system don't want their choldren reading the websit because they are afraid the student will the learn the lies the school system tells them.....
                --- on your side

i came across this site becuase i'm writing a paper on lying and ethics. not only is it highly informative, but its hilarious! high school administrators....what will they come up with next?
                --- me

this is 1999 and nothing should be sensored.....just turn it off if it offends you, otherwise just let the churches and ignorant people continue to run things.
                --- "Anon"

No matter how much you may hide your head in the sand, these lies are out there. It's better, then, if there's a website that can expose the truth behind the lies. The hackers like to say, "Information longs to be free", but there's another end to that credo: "Information will make YOU free."
                --- The Heartburn Kid

People lies should not be banned because children are deluded enough with out a least someone to tell them the truth. Humans are a bunch of self deluded liars.
                --- amy

People lies should not be banned because children are deluded enough with out a least someone to tell them the truth. Humans are a bunch of self deluded liars.
                --- amy

As a retired teacher, I see little harm in this site, (but, who really knows, I could be lying.)
Kids today are exposed to many things that are detrimental to their lives. Schools are particularly concerned about violence, hazing, sexual harassment, sexual abuse, drugs, truancy, behavior problems, discipline, suicides, security, theft, vandalism, cheating, plaigerism, peer group pressure,racism, and lies. They have a full plate menu!
Sometimes education has to be achieved through a back-door, due to all the problems that kids today have, emotionally and physically. Schools have a large burden, being "in loco parentis," trying to do all and be all to ensure the health, safety, educational growth in a multi-cultural, diverse abilities, adolescent population. Tolerance for lies in the classroom is an issue that most teachers don't want to deal with, but feel that it is necessary. To promote the truth is a virtue that teachers have or soon be fair, to respect authority, to honor honesty, to prepare students to accept responsibility, or face consequences for insuborination, or other offences. School rules have to be followed. Kids, will make mistakes. Zero tolerance for mistakes is not the answer! Kids need the opportunity to learn from their mistakes in a safe environment.

                --- Robert R. Cobb

The thing that pushed me towards no was the argument in favor of yes by the high school administrator. It wasn't very long ago in this country that people got married at 13 years of age. This sounds like a high school freshperson to me. It is silly to pretend that something magic happens on one's 18th birthday that makes a person mature. Treating people like they are immature can make them behave as though they are immature.
                --- Mark "Not my real name" Robinson

fuck cen***ship!!!
                --- bob

Don't be daft. This site is as harmless as a legless kitten.
                --- Erin

I don't think lies should be censored because they may just be able to help someone. If you see a lie posted that you have heard before you will regognise it and feel better automatically because you aren't the only gullable person out there. I was involved in a relationship with someone and she lied constantly. I knew she was lieing but I thought I could be just the person to help her, I was so wrong. We live 1,000 apart and she even told me at one time that she was being tested for luekemia and MS along with anemia. She had none of the above but she did have me worried sick.
                --- "Anon"

puh-lease. Why would anyone even consider banning this website. This can actually open our eyes to lies people may have told us. It can remove blinders from us. Do you really think that if a high school student doesn't see this site that they will never be lied to. You can't protect people from liars. Also, I graduated from high school a year ago and I am not an idiot. I am also mature enough to realize the consequences of my actions. And to Mike, how are we supposed to learn the consequences of our actions if we don't it ourselves. And do you think that banning this website will keep us from making mistakes. Plus nearly all of the submissions were from adults so its obvious that you aren't the angels that you are making yourselves out to be.
                --- Becky

people lie so dont censor the truth about lies

                --- Richard

We should try to understand this common human trait. Who knows, one day we may overcome this sad mess.
                --- G Coincon

Lies are Lies.........why be censored?
                --- anon

No way this site is great...and I think that some of the comments made on the YES side are can you ban a page that deplicts a part of human nature.....

Wake up and look at the real world..if we ever care to change something the we need to first admit that it exsist...

Lies exist and therefor this page too...

Good Job these peoples eyes
                --- Karen

Of course it shouldn't be censored! If the contents of this page bothers you, then simply stop visiting this site!
                --- Stephenie

Why? When we start school the teachers tell us
the information they give is absolute never going
to change. Be it history, math, english and as children we believe. Then a few years later we are given a whole new set of guidelines for each subject. Bull, the education of children should not be limited by what a teacher thinks we are
able to absorb. Expose the lies,tell us the truth

                --- Thomas Holland

Censorship is ridiculous, especially now with the Internet. Truth will out eventually, however hard the close-minded try to ignore it or cover it up. Then again, banning this site from high schools is almost trivial in comparison to the lies, misconceptions, and half-truths in any standard high school history textbook. Regardless, there is nothing here that would corrupt any teenager, and the site should be open to all.

                --- Nightowl

If you don't like this site DON'T READ IT.I'm at my high school right now writing this and I see no
problem with this site Its funny thats all. I don't take it as an influence on me lieing.
                --- michelle

I am doing a report on lies that people tell and find this website useful
                --- "Anon"

i don't think this site should be banned, cause then people like me who are doing a project on lies wouldn't be able to find anything on lies. also the rest of the sites i've gone on really suck this one is the best.
                --- Samm

We have the right to know the truth.
                --- daniel sico DeLabo

We should respect freedom of speech as a resposabilty and not as a "get out of jail free" card. However as I look at this site I don't think it's that bad and I bet half of "Lies Women Tell Men" and vise versa is a bunch of bullshit. If a high schooler is stupid enough to use these lies in real life, let them, and if the parents belive them then it'll be no wonder why America sucks lately...
                --- Malak

Information is knowledge is power. Ignorance is weakness.
                --- Thomas K. Brown

censorship is wrong, and that's all there is to it.
                --- lisa

censored?!? get real!!! the truth is out there, but not in the public school system. is it the school's job to teach MORALS (besides, who gets to say that lying is Immoral)?
                --- dave

I seriously question the constitutionality of "public" schools censoring this, or any other web site. Regardless of the potential illegality of censoring this material, I really do not like the idea of fascist bureaucrats using the hard-earned tax dollars I give to the federal government for education, to play Big Brother.
                --- Bub

Lies People Tell is just a site about honesty, really. People are honest about the lies they tell. I don't see any danger in that.
                --- Gertrude

High school administrators are rediculous. This site is one of the most enlightening on the web. They want to censor it because they fear the truth.
                --- Gail

I like this site just the way it is. Thanks!
                --- Tracy

Why do schools try to conceal the real truth from students by not allowing us to read the stories on this web site! I found out that you can view this website from a censoring location by typing in that should work if you are getting a BLOCKED message.
                --- Jo Ann

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