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The Biggest Lie
From: Jim


This site or Zine or whatever this is really pisses me off. Nobody's talking about the biggest lie of all! The biggest lie ever said: I LOVE YOU! Sure, maybe it's not always a lie when people say it but here's one time when someone said it to me and she was LYING!!

Rebecca and I had been living together for a year. She was taking night classes at the local Jr. College so that she could quit her job at the restaurant because the manager was harassing her and become a Certified Nurse Assistant or something like that and then later she was going to become a Nurse. I told her that she didn't have to worry about money because I'm a mechanic -- hah, you should have a room here called LIES MECHANICS TELL -- you'd sure get a shit load more lies than you have already. Anyway, I just wanted her to know I would support her at what she was doing and if she wanted to just go to school, that was okay by me. I figured if I supported her at school some, maybe I wouldn't have to do so damn many dishes. But she kept her job at the restaurant and went to school.

One night the phone rang. I answered it and it was Rebecca's brother calling to tell Rebecca that Sheila, her sister, had been in a car accident. Her brother wanted Rebecca to meet him at the hospital as soon as she could.

Well Rebecca wasn't home; she was in her "Procedures" class, a three and a half hour night class once a week. So I rush over to the J.C. and find the "Procedures" and go in and Rebecca's not there! "Well where is she?" I ask this smug teacher. He says, "She dropped the class after the second week. She's not even in the program anymore."

So I go back home and leave a note for Rebecca to come to the Hospital when she gets home. Then I rush over to the hospital to see how Sheila is.  I had gotten really close to Rebecca's family.

Several hours later, Rebecca rushes into the hospital waiting room where I had been hugging her crying mom and all that. Turns out the surgeons were able to stitch up this one big nasty gash on Sheila's neck and that she was going to be okay and there was nothing to worry about.

Well, I never told Rebecca that I knew she was lying about going to class all the time.

On the next Wednesday night, the night of the class, I followed her. I was so mad I was ready to kill somebody.

She pulls on up to this Best Western motel!! I knew it. I watched her walk up to a room door and knock. Some guy opens it and she walks in.

Fifteen minutes later I finally calm down enough so that I can get out of the car. I grab a lug wrench from the trunk and walk up to the door and knock.

IT'S, BILL, HER RESTAURANT MANAGER!! I drop the lug wrench 'cause I swear I could've killed him. I punch him in the jaw.  He falls back and I walk into the room.

I look at her in the bed, naked, trying to pull she sheets up around her like I haven't ever seen her in the buff! I look in her face and scream. "Liar." I say it again. "Liar."






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